Sunday, March 4, 2012

Girls and Boys

Friday night I was telling Erik that I kind of miss doing the whole girls night thing.  Staying up late, watching chick flicks, doing each others hair and nails, and, of course, eating junk food.  So, Erik decided we'd have a girls night together:)  We watched funny movies and did each others nails (no nail polish for Erik, but he did let me file them:) and we even did each others hair.  We looked pretty awesome by the time we were done.  It was so much fun!

 On Saturday we went the opposite direction.  Erik's friend Adam invited us to go shooting with him and I just happen to have "shooting a handgun" on my Life List.  It was so fun!

This is Adam, he was so nice to invite us to go.  We had so much fun and he said we could go again sometime too, so I'm already excited for that.

I didn't even pay attention to if I was hitting any of the targets, it was just fun to shoot.  The guys said I did hit some though, so that was pretty cool.

Erik had never shot a handgun before either.  He caught on really quick, he was doing way good.

And here are some of our poor targets... pretty darn cool, hu? :)


  1. That's so fun! Sounds like you caught a good one if he is willing to have a girls night with you!

  2. How fun! Erik is a good sport! I think he might have a future in hair styling after looking at your picture! You looked AMAZING! :)
