Erik and I have been pretty boring lately, just basically doing the same thing every day. School, work, bla, bla, bla. Well we've recently had a spike of excitement in our lives:) Yesterday Erik and I went to an award ceremony for a survey competition Erik participated in for Qualtrics, and Erik got 2nd place and won $100! So that was pretty fun! Erik also has been competing in Brandstorm which is a L'Oreal Case Competition. It's kinda a big deal:) They do research and case studies to make marketing plans to introduce a L'Oreal product into South East Asia. They only include a few schools nationwide (I think only 8) in the competition and BYU is one of them. Erik's team has 3 people in it and they passed the first round and got to be one of 6 groups to do a presentation for L'Oreal executives. We found out tonight that Erik's group was selected to go to the next round and present in New York City for nationals! If they win that they get to go to Paris for the international competition! We're so excited and it's such an amazing opportunity for Erik and a really impressive achievement in the advertising world! brlaganaba! I'm just so proud of him!
Erik has had a mustache for a few months now and was keeping it for the presentation, so to celebrate we had a shaving ceremony tonight! :)
In the middle somewhere
Being Charlie Chaplin
And After!
Yay! No more mustache hairs up my nose!
Also, it was Erik's birthday earlier this week and his mom gave him some super cute cupcakes! I just had to share because they are so darn fancy! (and tasty too!)

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