Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving and Erik's Birthday!

This is going to be kind of a random post because I want to share some of our fun pictures from Thanksgiving but I'd also like to dedicate this to Erik because tomorrow (November 26th) is his birthday!  Yay!  The big 2-4!  But we'll get to that in a minute:)

We went to Hurricane for five days for the Thanksgiving break and it was so much fun to take a break and see my parents and all of my siblings (except Josh):  Sorry to everyone in my family but we all know the kids are the funnest part:)  Uncle Erik had so much fun playing with his adorable nieces and it was so great to finally get my hands on my new nephew Kent!  

Erik and Amanda had a lot of fun playing together and Erik just can't say no to her, which resulted in Erik dressing up like a princess, playing tag with Amanda for hours and being cooked in the oven (which was the couch, they're both being cooked in the oven in the pictures below).

Here are some bonus pictures of cute Grandma and her cute Granddaughters all crammed together in a tent!  How fun!

For Erik's birthday he really wanted a Batman Arkham City game and he pretty much knew he was going to get it.  So, to make things more interesting, I decided to get him a cheap XBox game from DI and then wrap his real gift inside a weird book that I also got from DI.  Mwahahaha!  I wasn't sure how well it would work but i turned out pretty much perfect:) 

He was too nice to complain when he opened a SUPER old Xbox game (that I don't think will even work on our Xbox) and a really weird health book. 

We did learn some very interesting things from the pamphlet that came with the book though! :)

He was pretty excited when he opened the book and found the game and it was pretty much priceless:)  So much fun, I'm glad he thought it was funny and didn't just think I was crazy, haha. 

I Love you so much Erik!  I'm so glad you put up with me and that I get to share all your birthday with you for a long long time:)


  1. It was so fun to see you guys! We miss you! Happy Birthday Erik! Rachel has been singing Happy Birthday to you all morning. If I'm lucky I'll catch it on video and send it to you! :) We love you guys!

  2. Happy Birthday Erik!!!! I'm glad he liked the gift! You are so sneaky! Hope he has a great day! I love all the pictures you got! I might have to steal them :) Amanda had so much fun!
