First of all, Hank is in a stage of life that we've decided is best defined as Pure Joy... and it's contagious! He is so happy all the time, we're having so much fun! And this weekend he loved getting to be around so many people! So here are some photos and videos from our week in Provo and at Erik's parents house:)
I've got a lot of material to cover so this might be long and jump from thing to thing so just bare with me:)
Also, I was going to post a bunch of videos on here but blogger isn't letting me:( so I'm going to just post them all on Facebook and take over everyone's feed with Hank:) Let it begin!!!
First is our 4 generation photo! So fun to see Grandma Great! :)

Next, I am so stinkin' proud of my cute hubby! He graduated on Friday and it was such an awesome experience. We both finished school in December but we we both wanted to walk so we got to make a trip back to Provo last weekend for Erik's graduation and are going back again next weekend for my graduation. Erik's Dad has spoken at graduations at BYU for a few years now and he was a speaker at Erik's which I thought was really cool! They even let his dad pop into the picture when he was walking and they got to have a picture taken of just them too which was really fun and special. BYU is such a cool place and his graduation was so cool... I am so proud of him!
And here is where it all started! This is The Riv courtyard... Erik's apartment was up on the balcony behind us and mine was right to right of this shot! So much fun to get to go back to where Erik and I met:)
And here is what we count as our first apartment... haha! Right on BYU campus! Lots of fun memories here... including packing up and moving out while I was in labor:)
and our pretty view of the street right in front of our apartment. Provo is beautiful... glad we got to spend some time in this fun city.
Henry was such a trooper the whole weekend as we dragged him around from place to place. He did not love the applause at graduation and got tense every time anyone clapped... he also freaked out a little bit during a trumpet quintet performance at the commencement ceremony. All in all though he was just a bundle of joy the whole time:)
Erik's parents had a graduation party for us but really Hank ended up being the star of the show! He found his voice and we pretty much spent the whole night just being entertained by him. He LOVED having so many people to play with and be held by and I kinda think they might like him too:)
And we'll end with some fun Sunday morning family fun:)