Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2 Years!

Here's a look at us after being married for 2 years! :)
We have so much fun together, I can't believe how lucky I am!  This guy spoils me 
so much and I hope our little guy is just like him:)

And he got me these beautiful flowers:)

Also, Here's the latest on Baby Eckern.  I'm about 22 weeks pregnant right now 
(these pictures are from week 20 though).  Our little fella is kicking like crazy. It's super 
fun to get to feel him flipping around and Erik loves that he can finally feel him too:) 
Erik always talks to him and plays music for him and me and the baby love it.  
Erik cracks me up some times (most of the time) and the other day he was talking to 
the baby and telling him about how much fun it will be when he gets here.  I think he 
got the idea after hearing how my niece Audrey has been talking to her little sister 
and telling her about pizza! Haha.  Anyway, he was saying things like, "Mommy and 
Daddy will love you so much and we'll take good care of you and Grandma and 
Grandpa will come visit you..." ya know, the normals stuff... and then he said "and 
there will be lots of kids your age there." Haha, I said, "you mean like at the hospital?" 
and Erik said "Of course!"  Haha!  Yep, there probably will be lots of other kids their 
age there.  Haha:) 

So here's me at 20 weeks!  It's pretty fun and I love that our little fella is starting 
to get so big! :)

If you haven't guessed, Erik is pretty excited:)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Drumroll Please....

Well we finally got another look at Baby Eckern and we got some exciting news!  
It's A BOY!!!! WAHOO! :)
We are both so thrilled!  We had a feeling it was going to be a boy and it looks like most of the voters were right too!

The little fella is healthy as can be. We got to see the spine and the brain and the heart and the doctor said everything looks great! He was very active and it took a while to measure the brain cause he kept flipping over every time they were about to take a picture! :)

Here is another profile. We think he is just so cute!  I can't wait to hold him in my arms!

This one is showing his little heart beat.  His heart rate is 150 bpm which the doctor said is great:) 

Yep, there's no denying it:)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh baby, baby!

Okay, let's face it... We all know the only reason girls my age have blogs is so they can talk about their kids, so I might as well get started now:)

I am about 17 weeks pregnant and Baby Eckern is doing just great! Our last appointment was a few weeks ago and we got to hear the babies heartbeat. Erik literally said "aww... Cute" (it was quite a cute heartbeat) and I may or may not have cried/laughed for happiness so much that we kept having to re-find the heartbeat cause I was moving too much:) 

We also have had one ultra-sound so far. It was pretty early so the baby really just looks like a jelly bean with arms and legs but I still think it is super cute:) It might be hard to tell but the picture shows the babies head, one arm and one leg.  The doctor said the baby is very wiggly:) 

Our next doctors appointment is this Friday and we are so excited!  We are hoping to find out our babies gender so if you want to make any guesses this is your last chance:)

Friday, March 1, 2013


Here are some of the flash files I've done for my Flash Animation class this semester!  

These were my midterm assignments:

And just so you know, I didn't do all the drawing for the characters .. I just did the background for the duck one and I made some of the hand poses for the talk show one and I did all the animation for both of them!  Thank you, thank you... please hold applause until after the end of the show! :)