This has been such a great Valentines day. Erik and I decided that we weren't going to spend any money on gifts this year and it made the everything just way more fun! I always wake up before Erik because my classes start much earlier, so I had a chance to attack our apartment with love letters before Erik got up. I left them all over our apartment attached to something that relates to one of the reasons I'm in love with Erik:)
But the real fun is what Erik gave me. We are both very busy on Tuesday nights and pretty much swamped for the rest of the week so we decided we would do whatever Valentines celebrations next week instead of on Valentines day. But, I came home to find this posted above our hallway:
How fun is that! I get to pick three of those things and then find out what the activity to go along with it is and that will be the things we do on our Valentines date next week! You have no idea how excited this has made me! I ended up choosing "My Car", "New York", and "My Shirt" (I'm especially excited about that one;). I just can't wait for our date now! I told Erik this is the Best Valentine I've every received!
Erik's mom brought us a super fun package filled with hearts and love goodness! She makes the most awesome crafts and it just blows me away! Here are some of the fun stuff she sent us.
Of course, for Erik....
We received specific instructions that the mustache Tootsie Pop was for me and the lip one was for Erik. How fun!
Look how beautiful these are! And they are are so good! Erik had already eaten some of them before I had a chance to take a picture:)